martes, 13 de abril de 2010

La chancleta autónoma

Como en una comedia de bajo presupuesto y malos actores, así se comportaron algunos de los profesores, estudiantes, administrativos y por supuesto, no podían faltar, los sindicalistas de la UCR.
Amparados a su aura de "autonomía", pero sobretodo a su exceso de tiempo libre y poco razonamiento, la emprendieron contra oficiales de la Fuerza Pública y el OIJ, quienes lo único que buscaban era cumplir con la Ley y aprehender a un policía denunciado por corrupción y establecer una investigación, como la sociedad actual y, esperaría uno, la lumbre universitaria lo demandan.
Todos estos, son la misma paja reseca que arde en manifestación en modo de NO ante cualquier cosa que huela a gobierno y gobernabilidad. Catarsis colectiva de la masa rumiante.
Dónde queda entonces el hecho de fondo? Es el posible acto de corrupción cometido por un funcionario público entonces un llamado a los delincuentes para que hagan del Campus Rodrigo Facio su casa temporal mientras son resguardados por una barrera de chancletas autónomas?
Es risible la analogía que se pretendió establecer con las atrocidades cometidas por gobiernos corruptos en contra de estudiantes universitarios y la población civil en general, en otros países centroamericanos y más allá. No señores, los 1932 kilómetros que separan a la Plaza de las Tres Culturas de su famoso pretil y los 42 años de la repudiable Matanza de Tlatelolco, son nada en comparación con la diferencia de los motivos y contexto con aquellos que entregaron su vida por defender la soberanía, estado de derecho y democracia que sus pueblos no tenían, pero que en Costa Rica desde hace muchos años abundan. Será por esa particular mezcla de estado social de derecho, democracia, desmilitarización y transparencia que tiene Costa Rica, que a ustedes les sobra el tiempo para sentarse en las calles, a la luz de una llanta humeante a cantar rechinados cantos revolucionarios de pacotilla?
Ver a la rectora de la UCR defender lo actuado por los bochincheros, incluso diciendo que los oficiales del OIJ les faltaba preparación para soportar los insultos y agresiones de los estudiantes, trajo a mi memoria el tope convocado en tarima, la noche del referendo por el CAFTA, en donde el rector del ITCR instigaba a llevar la decisión democrática del pueblo de Costa Rica hasta las últimas consecuencias, mientas paradójicamente le pedía a las hordas calmarse porque habían perdido la votación.
Esta es mi Costa Rica, con yerros, con posibilidad de mejora pero abierta, democrática, sin ejército, con un maduro estado social de derecho.
Aquí algunos lucen las chancletas en los pies y algunos otros, los menos, las cuelgan en su mente para siempre.

lunes, 5 de abril de 2010

Report Confirms More Guns = Less Crime

Report Confirms More Guns = Less Crime; No Public Safety Threat, Says Second Amendment Foundation

Second Amendment Foundation
BELLEVUE, WA – -( A report published by confirms “everything gun rights groups have been saying for years, that more armed citizens does not equate to increased violence, and actually coincides with a reduction in homicides,” the Second Amendment Foundation said today.

The on-line news agency this morning released an investigative report that record numbers of American citizens are now legally carrying firearms for personal protection. Yet, the report also reveals that homicide rates have declined dramatically during a period when gun sales have skyrocketed. Further, the report noted that Washington, DC with its extreme gun control has the highest murder rate in the nation, while Utah, with very liberal gun laws, has the lowest rate.

“This is further evidence that everything the gun prohibitionists have been claiming and predicting over the past two decades has been fundamentally fraudulent,” said SAF Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb. “They have repeatedly argued that more guns will equate to more crime and more firearms deaths, and just let the air out of their sails with this exhaustive and well-balanced report.”

Gottlieb said the public “has gradually, but steadily come to the realization that the gun ban lobby has built its campaign of citizen disarmament on a mountain of falsehoods, one heaped on top of another.”

“This is why,” he said, “anti-gun groups have lost their momentum and their credibility. They failed to gain traction even with a Democrat-controlled Congress and an anti-gun White House. They are so desperate for attention that they have now declared war on private businesses just to generate publicity. Their high-profile campaign of hysteria against Starbucks for complying with state laws that allow concealed and open carry in their coffee shops is based on an issue they fabricated just to grab headlines and television face time, and the public knows it.

“Every restrictive gun law, every ban, every gun-free-zone they have advocated and defended have one thing in common,” Gottlieb concluded. “They gave us a body count. The report suggests America has had enough.”

The Second Amendment Foundation ( is the nations oldest and largest tax-exempt education, research, publishing and legal action group focusing on the Constitutional right and heritage to privately own and possess firearms. Founded in 1974, The Foundation has grown to more than 650,000 members and supporters and conducts many programs designed to better inform the public about the consequences of gun control. SAF has previously funded successful firearms-related suits against the cities of Los Angeles; New Haven, CT; and San Francisco on behalf of American gun owners, a lawsuit against the cities suing gun makers and an amicus brief and fund for the Emerson case holding the Second Amendment as an individual right.

Distributed to you by - – The Shooting Sports News source.